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Vendyl Jones

THE Indiana " Endy" Jones

Summarized Biography of Sudan’s Vendyl Jones 

            Vendyl was born on May 29, 1930, and grew up right here in Sudan, Texas. Vendyl was just an ordinary student graduating from Sudan High School in the class of 1950. To many young eyes the movies of Indiana Jones and his life are very exciting to watch, however many young students do not realize that these movies are based on the life of Vendyl Jones from right here in Sudan, Texas. The movies were inspired by Vendyl’s quest to discover the Ark of the Covenant with most of the movies having a little extra spice added to them from Hollywood's finest, Stephen Spielburg. The man responsible for giving Spielburg the movie idea was, Randolph Fillmore, one of the volunteers working with Jones in 1977. Since Vendyl thought that being associated with the movies might interfere with his work, Fillmore came up with "Indiana ’s" first name by dropping the first and last letters of Vendyl’s first name which made it become Endy Jones. "Endy" was then inspiration for the name, Indiana Jones. Vendyl received his Baccalaureate of Divinity, and a Masters Degree in Theology from the Bible Baptist Seminary of Dallas, Texas. He then became the pastor of the Dungan Chapel Baptist Church located on the border of Virginia and North Carolina, from 1955 to 1956. In October of 1956, Vendyl resigned the pastorate and moved to Greenville, South Carolina where he began his studies in the Talmud Torah (a children's elementary religious school) under Rabbi Henry Barneis. Vendyl was also  the only non-jewish american to fight in the Six Day War, where his unique color blindness helped the Israelis to see the camoflauged Egyptian units in the desert of the Sinai. He was on the Stechool/Haas excavation team at Qumran, authorized by the Jordanian Department of Antiquities before the June war. Shortly thereafter, Vendyl's excavations were continued under Israeli authority through the Status Quo Law. He soon came to the realization that all of his earlier studies had been very incomplete. In 1964, the Journal of Near Eastern Studies reported the 1952 discovery of the Marble Tablets in Beirut, Lebanon. That same year the Copper Scroll  was found in Cave #3 at Qumran, Israel. The Copper Scroll listed the hiding places of Sixty-four sacred articles which included the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. This catalyzed a personal quest that was to change Vendyl's life. Mr. Jones believes that he knows where the Ark of the Covenant is and the only thing stopping him from getting to it is drilling rights and funding. Perhaps Vendyl's four most famous discoveries are: Shemen Afarsimon, The Lost City of Gilgal, Temple Incense, and The Gate Between the Two Walls. For more imformation and videos from Vendyl, follow this link on Wikipedia.

*Note: While there is much discussion as to the origen of the Indiana Jones movie character, our investigation has led us to believe that this is a complex issue cloaked in mystery and illusion as any such great movie action character should be. However, know that Vendyl Jones is a real person, an exceptional archeologist, has found many biblical archeological artifacts, and is seeking the Ark of the Covenant. Additionally, he exhibits many of the traits of the movie character. We believe that Jones himself led to the lack of association with this character for fear that it would hurt his relationship with the Israeli government and therefore hinder his archeological quest. Such is his passion. We also believe that Spielberg and Lucas are motivated by money and therefore are afraid of any person being associated with this character. In a recent TV interview Harrison Ford said that he considered the "Jones" character paralleling the life of any specific individual, "highly unlikely". Quite a politically correct statement. You will find no other person whose life more closely parallels that of the Indiana Jones character than does that of Vendyl Jones. Nor will you find anyone with as many links to the character as Vendyl Jones. Plain and simple, Vendyl Jones is the character portrayed in the famous movie even if the movie were never produced. We challenge you to do your own investigation. Viva Vendyl!

*Note: Born, May 29th 1930 in Sudan, Texas, Vendyl Jones passed away December 27, 2010 in Grandview, Texas.