Sudan Speech Tournament - Legislation

Speech Trophys

The official information site for the SHS "Speak the Speech I Pray You" Classic



Legislation was chosen from the UIL State Docket. The number of bills in each conference loosely parallels the number of registered tournament congressmen in each conference.


Please find the legislation here. (Link to state legislation.)

Legislation for each session (can be found at above link):


6A -  P1   A Bill to Deregulate Healthcare Systems in the United States
6A -  P9/5A - F5 A Bill to Further Regulate Social Media Giants to Protect the First Amendment 
4A -  P8  A Resolution to Eliminate the Statute of Limitations on Sexual AssaultCrimes 
4A -  P9  Resolution to Expedite the Adoption Process through Child Protective Services 
2A -  P1  A Bill to Require Secondary Schools to Provide Gender Neutral Restrooms 
2A -  P2/5A - P2  A Bill to Declare Militant White Supremacist Groups Domestic Terrorist Organizations
2A -  P3  The Joe Exotic Act of 2020 
6A - P5 - A Resolution to Intervene in Myanmar


6A -  F7   Resolution to Provide Universal Access to Pre-Kindergarten Education toEnsure the Academic Success of Students
4A -  F1/5A - F9  A Bill to Regulate Prices of Prescription Drugs toPrevent Consumer Abuse 
2A -  P4   A Resolution to Ban the Regeneration of Creatures that have been Extinct for more than 100 Years 
2A -  P5  A Resolution to Increase Public School Funding to Improve MentalHealth for Students
2A -  P7  A Bill to Require GPS Microchip Implants into all Federal Currentand Future Convicts 
1A -  P4  Amendment to Lower the Legal Voting Age
6A - P8 - The Minor Patriation Act of 2021

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Jonathan Robertson - Tournament Director
James Markham - Asst. Tournament Director